Thursday, March 26, 2009


We are getting ready for Michael to receive his radioactive iodine. The list of things to do to get ready keeps growing! He had his surgery three weeks ago. They removed his thyroid due to papillary carcinoma.

He has been off of his medication for a week and his energy is declining. Yesterday we got the call from the endocrinologist that his TSH levels are at 54. That's excellent! We can go ahead and schedule the radioactive iodine uptake. He will have to be in isolation for at least 3 days. We will probably err on the safe side and make it a little longer. So in preparation for that, I need to:
  • pack up my clothes and toiletries (he must have exclusive use of the bathroom)
  • remove the dog bed and crate from the room
  • stock his bathroom with extras (towels, tp, etc)
  • set up a table and chair to serve as a desk
  • put in a trash can for all the disposables he will be using
  • set up a clothes basket with a trash bag for his radioactive clothing
  • remove our good down comforter and replace with easily washed blanket
  • stock up on things to do: magazines/books to read, movies to watch, etc.
  • stock up on snacks/drinks
My parents have very generously donated the use of a flat screen TV (we only own one television) for the bedroom. It is HD so we are receiving channels we don't normally receive.
All this, plus homeschool, shuttle kids around and do my Sonlight stuff. Whew!


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