Thursday, August 2, 2012


We finally bit the bullet! The bathroom has needed to be redone for a while now. Our builder's schedule had finally cleared up. It was time to begin. Here's the before picture:
 See the mold that was growing on the ceiling?
 And in the shower?
 A shot of the other side of the bathroom.
 The first blows of the hammer...
 To speed things up, you grab it and shake it like this...
 Once all the walls came down, this is what we found inside. No surprise. It was wet.
 This was the wood that was part of the step.Rotted out.
The demo took one day.

1 comment:

  1. WOOHOO!! So excited to see what you do! LOVE the photos you have pinned on pinterest! Thanks for letting us "peek-in" on your reno!!


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