Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

After weeks of frantic activity, Christmas, quickly followed by New Year's, finally came!

I was supposed to do a home tour post last week but I just didn't find the time to sit down at the keyboard and do it! 

So here's a quick tour of our home, all decorated for Christmas (before it all comes down)!

Our live tree
Our tree is always live. This year we did not add all the ornaments we own. I went with a simpler selection. We have quite a few because the kids get one every year from their aunts and uncles. When they move out, they'll take them with them and then our tree will feel bare!

Next to our tree is our manger scene We bought this one years ago at a craft fair in Hickory, NC when the kids were young. I liked the rusticness of the simple wooden shapes. Plus I liked that the kids could play with the figures without fear of breaking them. Although we are not Jewish, we have a menorrah. Jesus was Jewish and we are into our Jewish heritage because of Him!

Decked out buffet
Our buffet in the dining room is all dressed up for the holiday with an advent wreath and apothecary jars. I had been wanting these kind of jars for a while and finally found some that I really liked and could afford at Beall's Outlet this summer. I've been having fun decorating for the seasons with them.

Festive apothecary jars
I filled one with red and white ornaments, pinecones and pieces of fresh Christmas tree. The other one has small red and silver balls, peppermints, mini pinecones and fresh Christmas tree branches.

Fireplace mantel

And, finally, here's our mantel. The stockings for the kids were made by my mother. Mine was too, actually, when I was little! Michael's is the one he had as a child. That's why it's different than the others.

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus! And here's to a healthy new year!


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