Sunday, February 14, 2010


Mom and I wanted to do a little Carnevale cooking with the kids so we invited a few friends over to join us. First we made something that wasn't really Carnevale related but yummy none-the-less: taralli sugna e pepe.
Mom already had the dough for these done. We rolled them out, twisted them up and baked them.

Then we moved on to making chiacchiere. We made the dough, then the girls rolled it out and cut them into different shapes.

Once they were fried up we sprinkled powdered sugar on them and moved on to making sanguinaccio.
Doesn't look very appetizing here but man oh man is it good to dip those chiacchiere into this chocolate-y cinnamon-y delight! See what I mean?
The saying goes: a carnevale ogni scherzo vale! (Loosely translated: at carneval, every trick is allowed!)