Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pasta con le zucchine

My zucchini plants are beginning to produce baby zukes and lots of flowers so it's time to make pasta con le zucchine. It's a quick, easy, vegetarian recipe and my 10 year old likes it!! Here's how you make it:
Begin with fresh onion, zucchini and zucchini flowers. If you have to buy your zucchini you can make it without the flowers but if you have zucchini in your garden then enjoy the flowers as well! Also if you don't have green onions you can substitute regular onions.You will also need olive oil, white wine, tomatoes (either fresh or if you don't have any you can add canned petite diced), salt to taste and fresh parsley.
Begin by slicing and dicing the green onion (mine is a red onion from my garden~delicious bacon-wrapped and grilled...but that's a different post!) and adding it to the olive oil in a saute' pan.
Then dice the zucchini and add it to the pan. Do the same with the flowers. You will need to remove the stem and the pistil and any ants (they LOVE the flowers) and give them a quick rinse to remove any sand.

Doesn't it look so pretty? At this point you can go ahead and put the pasta pan on because you are almost done. See how fast it goes? 
After a few minutes you add the wine, just a splash. Let that evaporate a few minutes and follow it with the diced tomatoes to lend the dish a little color.

Don't you just love cooking with wine? (::big grin::)
See how pretty it looks? We are having it with piccolini...
Once the pasta is cooked (al dente in salted water) drain, reserving some of the cooking liquid. Add the pasta to the pan with a little bit of the pasta's cooking water and amalgamate (isn't that a good word? That's how we'd say it in italian: amalgamare). Here's what it looks like! Sprinkle with fresh parsley (of which I was out).
Panza mia, fatti capanna! Buon appetito!

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