Monday, October 13, 2014

Trying on a new style!

Now that my kids are older, I'm finding time to do more stuff for me. One thing is to get back in touch with fashion and style. For the looooongest time, I have neglected myself. First it was that I didn't have time, between raising kids and homeschooling. Add that to I didn't like the way I looked in clothes and I didn't want to spend money on *that* size. Recently things began to change.

The change began when I started losing weight with Trim Healthy Mama. Suddenly, clothes were fitting better on me, loose even! I started thrifting for smaller sizes. A good friend let me go through a large pile of her cast offs and let me pick what I wanted in my new size. She has excellent taste and the clothes are high quality from some of my favorite stores. I started to get excited about clothes again!

Recently, I found out about the Get Your Pretty On Fall Style Challenge and I jumped onboard! Alison Lumbatis is a mom with three kids (like me!) who guides you through new ways of styling yourself. She provides you with a shopping list of items you'll need for the challenge. You start by shopping your closet for the items and then you can fill in with things you are missing. You don't have to buy *everything* and she gives you ideas of how to sub items. Some of the pieces are standard, basic items and some are more trendy, getting you out of your comfort zone and into trying new things!

The other fun aspect is the closed Facebook group of ladies who are also participating in the challenge. They provide feedback and encouragement as you step out of your comfort zone and try things that are new to you. They offer constructive, but not critical or disparaging, comments to help you achieve your new look.

Once the challenge begins, you receive a different outfit combo, complete with pictures, that is created from the pieces on the list. You then style the outfit using your wardrobe pieces in accordance with your tastes. I really look forward to everyone's pictures and their interpretation of the daily outfit!

I have had fun going on shopping sprees with my daughter, who has excellent taste, as well as with a friend who has also joined the challenge. I looked for some new pieces to add to my wardrobe, scouting out the best prices, shopping sales, clearance racks and discount stores and even thrifted a few items to get all the pieces for my capsule wardrobe. If you're interested, it's not too late! You can still sign up here!

In case you are curious to see what I'm talking about, here are some (but not all) of my capsule pieces:

 Pants, sweaters and scarf
 Layering tees and tops
 Some of my vest collection
 Some of my shoes that I'll be using

And here's an outfit that I styled after seeing how some of the people who have already done a style challenge were putting their outfits together.
Here are a few things that I've already learned:
  1. Layering is good, even if it's still hot out. 
  2. Wear a long dangly necklace to add interest.
  3. In place of booties, wear taller shoes. 


  1. You look amazing, Sheila!! Stylin' Trim Healthy Momma!

  2. Lookin' so fine GURL! Thank you for sharing. I have a necklace like the one in your photo and have been afraid to wear it. I'll give it a try.


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